class Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment
represents a DocumentFragment
node in an xml document.
Public Class Methods
static VALUE new (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { xmlDocPtr xml_doc; xmlNodePtr node; VALUE document; VALUE rest; VALUE rb_node; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &document, &rest); xml_doc = noko_xml_document_unwrap(document); node = xmlNewDocFragment(xml_doc->doc); noko_xml_document_pin_node(node); rb_node = noko_xml_node_wrap(klass, node); rb_obj_call_init(rb_node, argc, argv); return rb_node; }
Create a new DocumentFragment
element on the document
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 19 def initialize(document, tags = nil, ctx = nil, options = ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML) # rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper return self unless tags options = if Integer === options yield options if block_given? children = if ctx # Fix for issue#490 if Nokogiri.jruby? # fix for issue #770 ctx.parse("<root #{namespace_declarations(ctx)}>#{tags}</root>", options).children else ctx.parse(tags, options) end else wrapper_doc = XML::Document.parse("<root>#{tags}</root>", nil, nil, options) self.errors = wrapper_doc.errors wrapper_doc.xpath("/root/node()") end children.each { |child| child.parent = self } end
Create a new DocumentFragment
from tags
If ctx
is present, it is used as a context node for the subtree created, e.g., namespaces will be resolved relative to ctx
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 9 def self.parse(tags, options = ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML, &block) new(, tags, nil, options, &block) end
Create a Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment
from tags
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 102 def css(*args) if children.any? children.css(*args) # 'children' is a smell here else end end
Search this fragment for CSS
. rules
must be one or more CSS
selectors. For example:
For more information see Nokogiri::XML::Searchable#css
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 190 def deconstruct children.to_a end
Returns the root nodes of this document fragment as an array, to use in pattern matching.
💡 Note that text nodes are returned as well as elements. If you wish to operate only on root elements, you should deconstruct the array returned by DocumentFragment#elements
frag = Nokogiri::HTML5.fragment(<<~HTML) <div>Start</div> This is a <a href="#jump">shortcut</a> for you. <div>End</div> HTML frag.deconstruct # => [#(Element:0x35c { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "Start")] }), # #(Text "\n" + "This is a "), # #(Element:0x370 { # name = "a", # attributes = [ #(Attr:0x384 { name = "href", value = "#jump" })], # children = [ #(Text "shortcut")] # }), # #(Text " for you.\n"), # #(Element:0x398 { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "End")] }), # #(Text "\n")]
Example only the elements, not the text nodes.
frag.elements.deconstruct # => [#(Element:0x35c { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "Start")] }), # #(Element:0x370 { # name = "a", # attributes = [ #(Attr:0x384 { name = "href", value = "#jump" })], # children = [ #(Text "shortcut")] # }), # #(Element:0x398 { name = "div", children = [ #(Text "End")] })]
Since v1.14.0
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 42 def dup new_document = document.dup new_fragment = children.each do |child| child.dup(1, new_document).parent = new_fragment end new_fragment end
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 136 def errors document.errors end
A list of Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError
found when parsing a document
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 144 def fragment(data) document.fragment(data) end
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 54 def name "#document-fragment" end
return the name for DocumentFragment
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 121 def search(*rules) rules, handler, ns, binds = extract_params(rules) rules.inject( do |set, rule| set + if Searchable::LOOKS_LIKE_XPATH.match?(rule) xpath(*[rule, ns, handler, binds].compact) else children.css(*[rule, ns, handler].compact) # 'children' is a smell here end end end
Search this fragment for paths
. paths
must be one or more XPath
or CSS
For more information see Nokogiri::XML::Searchable#search
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 67 def to_html(*args) if Nokogiri.jruby? options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {} options[:save_with] ||= Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_HTML args.insert(0, options) end children.to_html(*args) end
Convert this DocumentFragment
to html See Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#to_html
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 60 def to_s children.to_s end
Convert this DocumentFragment
to a string
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 79 def to_xhtml(*args) if Nokogiri.jruby? options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? args.shift : {} options[:save_with] ||= Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML args.insert(0, options) end children.to_xhtml(*args) end
Convert this DocumentFragment
to xhtml See Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#to_xhtml
# File lib/nokogiri/xml/document_fragment.rb, line 91 def to_xml(*args) children.to_xml(*args) end
Convert this DocumentFragment
to xml See Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet#to_xml